Saturday, June 23, 2007

Staples... that was easy

And the day seemed to be going so well: I woke up, went to work, went and did my GPR scans near campus, met up with the guys for Bunch Lunch, and went back to a boss-less office. After I got all my paperwork stuff taken care of, I decided to rearrange my office (so you can't see my monitor from the hall). Anyways, while I'm moving my desk I heard a loud crash. Then I realized it came from my head. When I touched my head and brought back some bloody fingers I decided to ask if someone would drive me to the minor emergency center. A couple shots and staples later I was back at the office to finish up my day. "What did it look like?" you ask, well let me show you:

But you should see the other guy: (notice the curvature of my head where it hit me?)

So what did we learn from this kiddos? Don't get hurt so you can drink on Friday nights when friends come into town.



At 6/23/2007, Blogger Richard said... that whole notch from your head?

At 6/24/2007, Blogger Sir Cody said...

yep. It shattered in the exact shape of my cranium when it hit. Thank goodness I have a hard head. However it does suck pulling small shards out of my head in random places, like bars, car dealerships, and Hemme's backyard.

At 7/02/2007, Blogger CD said...

That should make a goofy haircut much goofier. Snap.


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