Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Who needs a cake when you have booze?

I like birthdays. I really like 21st birthdays. I've kind of been hooked ever since mine. I love taking all the newbies out and showing off the Mecca of debauchery that is 6th Street in my home town of Austin, TX. Last night was my friend Bryttne's 21st and here is the tale of the night.

We met up at Trudy's so Bryttne could get her first birthday drink. She got a Mexican Martini (cornerstone of the Trudy's Birthday Challenge, but that's another story all together) and we waited for the rest of the group to trickle in. So after we paid for the drinks we had we set off for Downtown.

On the way to the Library (the 6th Street rendevous) I had an unfortunate encounter with a tree. Day laborers apparently aren't tall enough to trim them to my height. Damn those trees! Ahem, back to the story...

So we got to the Library ad started the drinking. A couple of whiskey-Cokes for me and shots for the ladies. Then we bar hopped to the Aquarium (to the shagrin of Emily who has a fish-tank phobia)then to The Drink then to Maggie Mae's. At the Blind Pig Pub I found out they don't give Birthday shots, but I quickly devised a plan to have fun there anyways. I got everyone inside and said I'd buy the drinks. I instucted to bartender to fix a round (8) of shots of water. Then I passed them out claiming this would be the smoothest vodka shot ever. Gave a toast and kicked it back. The reactions were hilarious. At first people were amazed how smooth it was, then understanding kicked in. Needless to say I had to dodge booting feet as we left.

We proceded on to Shakespeare's and then to the Dizzy Rooster (where I impressed everyone by lifting Bryttne so she could sign the ceiling). From there we went to Cheer's Shot bar where I bought a Blue Wave. I took the bullet for the team and got one for myself too. For those of you that don't know what it is, tough. Youu'll just have to come Downtown with me and find out. From there we went to Coyote Ugly where the boobacious bartenders serviced our birthday girl. While all the girls in the group were dancing on the bar, I did something to provoke one of the bartenders whom promptly hosed me with a couple of gallons of water from behind the bar. Me being a prideful man, holding a couple of purses, I stood my ground to see who would back down first. She did, but I'm not sure if I was truly the winner. Then we mozzied over to Mooseknuckle where more was imbibed and I dried off.

Finally we finished the night at Treasure Island. Now the thing about me when I get drunk is I start dancing (if it's fun). And dance I did, which is where this tasty tidbit comes from:

This is just one of the many 21st that I can recall. Some I cannot. But then again, that's what this blog is all about. Each time you learn a little more about something or other, whether it be Jaegermister is icky or don't ask a hot bartender at a gender-bias bar to jump up and down for you or don't walk into trees when trying to look like a stud. I'll leave you with my favorite toast of the night: Here's not not sweating the petty things and always petting the sweaty things!

P.S. - that's me booty dancing to Bryttne


At 11/15/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bout damn time you post another story. I'm jealous you still get to hang out with hot, drunk, single, 21-year old girls.


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