Monday, February 11, 2008

Victory Whiskey! for the win

This weekend UT played the mighty Iowa State Cyclones/Cardinals in NCAA Men's Basketball. The game had a 2:30pm tip-off so I called C-Bass around 1 to see if he wanted to watch the game. As it turns out, he and his wife were already drinking at a wine tasting. He said he was recording the game and Michelle and I should come by later and watch the game.

So, around 7:30pm Michelle and I head over to Bass's house to watch the Horns... and I had refused to look at the final score so the experience would be genuine. The game was rough going. The 3-point deficit we had going into half-time exploded to a twelve point lead for the Cyclones/Cardinals at the beginning of the second half. To counteract the suckitude that was plaguing our team, C-Bass suggested the supersticious intoxicant "Victory Whiskey." How could I turn it down. It has worked so many times before. The 2007 Holiday Bowl, the 2005 Rose Bowl, and countless smaller games. A shot for the second half and another shot for overtime and the Horns won!

As Bass and I were discussing the amazing powers of Victory Whiskey, I came to a realization: the game ended more than 7 hours previous to our shots. The only answer: Victory Whiskey can defy the laws of modern physics. I think that if mankind will ever travel through time, Victory Whuiskey is one of the key ingredients. Even if it won't take you back, enough of it will make you wake up after plenty of time has passed you by.

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At 2/11/2008, Blogger Bass said...

a 5th of rebel yell has been known to fix many ailments like cancer and the inability to dance.

At 2/12/2008, Blogger Sir Cody said...

... just like Chuck Norris's tears

At 5/18/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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