Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Just another night on the town

On a Wednesday night, the September of '05, my brother's band, The Civilians (or if you're a Myspace fanatic check 'em out here), was playing a show at Buffalo Billiards. I went with Ray and met up with Sal (a fraternity brother). My parents were there along with the hot groupies and even Shawn Alff (my brother's old roommate and partner in crime who just got back from an interesting 3-month soul-search in Hawaii). Candice also showed up and told me about something going on at Maggie Mae's, but I'll get to that in a bit.
During my brother's show I wandered downstairs to play Gallaga. I don't know how, but I set a personal record by getting to level 34. I lost a ship in the first level, but not again until the 20th. I also had two perfect scores in the Challenge Stages. Damn I love that game!
After that I went up and listened to the rest of my Brother's set. Damn I love that band! After the show Sal took us to the Ivory Cat, where he works as a barback. I've never been too thrilled by the Cat (Pete's Piano Bar is much nicer), but that changed when Sal took us up to the new second floor (which used to be a tatoo parlor). There was a piano player and bassist playing some nice lounge jazz and Sal hooked me, Ray, and himself up with a nice Crown and Sprite. I'm definitely going back there sometime.
Then we went on to Maggie Mae's. On the roof level there were three 4-6 person hot tubs. I walked over to the one Candice was at, stripped down to my boxers, and hopped in. I must say, there's nothing better than being in a hot tub at a bar with a beer in your hand surrounded by hot women in bikinis... well, okay, but not many things are better than it. My brother joined us a little later. At the end of the evening I walked my dripping ass back to the car, handed Ray the keys, and cruised back to the Ledge (only mooning one car this time). All in all, I had a pretty damn good night.

Evening drink score: 13 (bourbon-cokes and beers)


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