Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Tower of Babble

I have this problem when I get shot down by a girl I'm really into: I get blitzed out of my freaking mind. I'm sure every guy has been on a bender or two over a woman (don't worry Dell'Ach, I'll get to your story eventually), but I do this every time. One time in particular, I decided to get creative with my drinking.

In all honesty, I can't remember who it was I was pining over, but then again, its happened twice. I'll just call the girl Blah Blah Blah for now; thanks for the idea Biz Markie. So anyway, the first time I was all about this girl and had been hanging out with her a lot. When I finally tried to get a little closer she told me she just wanted to be friends, yet again another reference to Biz Markie. Anywho, when I'm all about a woman, I'm all about a woman. I forsake all others and keep my eyes on the prize. Yet when it turns out my eyes have been decieving me I fall back to my other relationship with renewed vigor... alcohol.

So as the story goes, it was after a Thursday night band rehearsal so I went over to Posse East. It was a bit of a rainy night so me, the early crew, and the brew were in the "library" section. And so the drinking commenced. By the time the full crowd was there I was already two pitchers into the night. After we had acquired 4 empties, I thought to myself, lets stack these bitches! And so I did. And the more we drank, the more we stacked. Somewhere around 8 other Posseagons... uh, Possenites... uh, whatever you call the other locals started pitching in, literally. I'm not sure what was more of a show, the corckscrewing tower of pitchers or the babbling, drunken idiot erecting it.

When it was all said and done, or at least when I was having trouble standing up tall enough to add to it I threw in the towel. I was thankful for the diversion from my woes. Eventually I was driven home, but not without setting the Posse East Pitcher Stacking record at 12 pitchers. Since then I've one-upped the total, but that was more for fun than drunken angst. And thus ends the story and I leave you with a glimpse of what I've been talking about.


At 6/24/2006, Blogger sdvknsdvkn said...

Nice...almost as cool as the beeramid tree.

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At 6/26/2006, Blogger Brian said...

cody, whoever this chick is...if she can't love a 12-pitcher stacking man, then "ha" i say. "ha" at the chance of her EVER finding a more worthy man!

At 6/27/2006, Blogger CD said...

I wish we had some pics of the beer-a-mids of epic proportions we would build out of Keystone Light cans.


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