Friday, February 24, 2006

I'm kind of a big deal...

I swear I get remembered for the weirdest things; like keg-riding, jello-wrestling referee, the Duff beercan, the Jolly Green Giant, sleeping on football fieldsbeer campaign signs, drawing on myself, etc. I mean at the strangest places at the weirdest times, someone will just know me for some reason. Like last night.

I was at Posse East last night, for it was a Thursday, and I was working on some stuff before everyone started to get there. When Vitamin (Kevin Villamin) showed up around 10 I decided to pack up and get to the drinking. As I was taking my stuff to the car I was passed by two young women and the following conversation took place:

Woman #1: Hey, I know you!
Yours Truly: I'm sorry, I don't really remember you
Woman #2: That's probably because you were really drunk.
Yours Truly: Oh man, you do know me
Woman #1: Yeah, but where? Ron Burgandy!
Yours Truly: What?
Woman #1: I met you when you were Ron Burgandy
Yours Truly: Oh man, I was a little drunk
Woman #1: So what's your real name?
Yours Truly: I'm Cody
Woman #1: I'm Brittany
Yours Truly: Well, good to re-meet you
Woman #1: Yeah, well, see you later
Yours Truly: You stay classy


At 2/24/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish you had pictures going through customs for that job in canada. best halloween costume ever.


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