Thursday, October 05, 2006

the 5th anniversary of my 21st birthday

So here is how my 26th birthday played out (I like to think of it as the fifth anniversay of my 21st birthday). I started the day off at 4:45am when I woke up to leave Lawerance, KA to come home. I had been there working on a powerplant during a 2-month stint of weekly travel. When I was getting on my 7:30 flight Kenny Rogers was playing on the overhead speakers; followed by some Sinatra. Let's just say this was an omen that good things were to come.

When I got to Austin it was a gorgeous day (and warm... finally). I went to lunch at Kieffer's then to work for a while. When I got home I had a beer with C-Bass before we went over to the Chi Phi house where they were celebrating the 113rd anniversary of Chi Phi at UT (yeah, we share the smae birthday). After a couple of beers I went to Sam Paio (next to Posse) for dinner with the family. When we left I met up with Opie at Posse, along with a couple of other people. The plan was to watch the Texas/Colorado game, but Posse didn't get the channel it was on. Crown & Anchor wouldn't let the minors in, so we went to my place to watch the game.

After the game, a few beers, and a couple of whiskey cokes (courtesy of the fine liquor Opie gave me for my birthday) it was back to Posse. (Here's where it gets a little fuzzy) I got a free pitcher of Bass (the beer) for my birthday. Mauri met up with me and gave me a deal on a Foundation season ticket in with the old Bunchers section for football next year. I figured it was overtime money well spent. Bryan met up with us along with a couple of other folks (of course I didn't remember it until yesterday when he told me about it).

After passing out at Posse, a couple of people got the idea to take me to a strip club, so they woke me up and we took off. Believe it or not, after they woke me up at Posse I got a second wind. I think the crowd was me, Kevin (Vitamin), Mauri, Max, Kacie, Dayna, and a couple of their friends. The funniest part of it was the look on Kacie's face when she walked into the place (or when she got a couple of stage dances... or maybe that lap dance). After the strip club we went back to my house where I was challenged to Beer Pong. Even though I was swaying like palm tree in a tsunami, I won the game like a champ. After that I think I walked around shirtless for a while before being put to bed by Kacie and Dayna.

The next day I woke up and drove 8 hours to Amarillo. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.