Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Tower of Babble

I have this problem when I get shot down by a girl I'm really into: I get blitzed out of my freaking mind. I'm sure every guy has been on a bender or two over a woman (don't worry Dell'Ach, I'll get to your story eventually), but I do this every time. One time in particular, I decided to get creative with my drinking.

In all honesty, I can't remember who it was I was pining over, but then again, its happened twice. I'll just call the girl Blah Blah Blah for now; thanks for the idea Biz Markie. So anyway, the first time I was all about this girl and had been hanging out with her a lot. When I finally tried to get a little closer she told me she just wanted to be friends, yet again another reference to Biz Markie. Anywho, when I'm all about a woman, I'm all about a woman. I forsake all others and keep my eyes on the prize. Yet when it turns out my eyes have been decieving me I fall back to my other relationship with renewed vigor... alcohol.

So as the story goes, it was after a Thursday night band rehearsal so I went over to Posse East. It was a bit of a rainy night so me, the early crew, and the brew were in the "library" section. And so the drinking commenced. By the time the full crowd was there I was already two pitchers into the night. After we had acquired 4 empties, I thought to myself, lets stack these bitches! And so I did. And the more we drank, the more we stacked. Somewhere around 8 other Posseagons... uh, Possenites... uh, whatever you call the other locals started pitching in, literally. I'm not sure what was more of a show, the corckscrewing tower of pitchers or the babbling, drunken idiot erecting it.

When it was all said and done, or at least when I was having trouble standing up tall enough to add to it I threw in the towel. I was thankful for the diversion from my woes. Eventually I was driven home, but not without setting the Posse East Pitcher Stacking record at 12 pitchers. Since then I've one-upped the total, but that was more for fun than drunken angst. And thus ends the story and I leave you with a glimpse of what I've been talking about.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Aloha aparently means drink

So I'm currently in Hawaii (Waikiki on Oahu to be exact) and so far I have drank with my coworkers every day. This is how my first day of work on the island went:

I woke up at 5:30am with ease... after all it was 10:30am Austin time. We worked until 5pm and headed back towards the condos after a good day's work. Just outside of the power plant we stopped at a grocery store. I thought it was to buy stuff to eat, and I was wrong. One of the guys ran in and came back out with a 12-pack of Becks. As soon as we were on the road again I heard the all-too-familiar snap-hiss sound. I of course had a couple along with the guys (except the driver) and thought it was well planned because a 15 minute drive was really a 45 minute drive because of all of the traffic on one of Hawaii's only highways.

As it turns out there was a detour planned as well. We drove to a local bar known as Magoo's. It's in the university area. Which university? I have no idea. But I do know we passed a lab building that was up in blazes. I mean I know college kids can smoke out, but damn! The cloud filled most of the city. Lucky for us, Magoo's was not like most of the city. So we sat down and managed to knock back 5 pitchers of Pilsner-Urquell. I threw in a local Longboard Lager just for good measure. After the libations were completed we went back to the condos.

As soon as we got back, I changed out of my work clothes and did what any proper drinker would do after helping with pitchers and a twelve-pack... I went swimming in the ocean. And it... was...awesome! After that I hiked back through the ripoff marketplace that resides in Downtown Waikiki, purchased some shoes, some groceries, and some Johnie Walker Black.

Once back at the condo, I loaded up and heade for the roof. The penthouse floor is fantastic. There's a pool, sauna, weightroom, and a whole party patio. By party patio I mean there are gas grills for cooking, ice machines, sinks and counters (outdoors) for preparing food, and a view that just won't quit. As I was checking it out I was startled by a set of explosions behind me. As it turns out, one of the beach-front hotels decided to have a fireworks display. So Johnie by my side I watched the heavenly parade of colors dance afore me. Shit, listen to that poetry. Guess its the fault of the drinks we had today.

So as you can see, work is being pretty damn good to me. It'll be even better when we finish a little early and my girlfriend arrives (I bought her a ticket). So until then, raise a glass and say muhalo.